Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Horses & White Castles!

What do they have in common? Kentucky & the Derby..we've just returned. The first place we stop is White Castle. If you've never had one of these sliders..they are DEEEElicious...being raised on them I might be bias. They are about the size of your palm. Betcha can't eat just one. If you ever pass through the east check 'em out. This is the time for the Ky Derby, first weekend in May. This year I didn't do very well. My wonderful hubby did win a few races & also a Derby Jackpot with Super Saver. We need a triple crown winner, hope he comes through this year. Preakness is this weekend so will know Saturday. The track for Derby was really muddy. We had a family reunion which we eat, eat, fellowship & eat some to follow soon. Sunday we get-together eat & play poker...all in the family. Until next time....keep those tires rolling!